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Reply received


Randy Hiller reply to our concerns



Recently you contacted my office through my web site either regarding a hydro complaint or dissatisfaction with Ontario’s energy policies; thank you for being involved and speaking out. However, more can be done, and I think you agree, more must be done.
Last week the selloff of Hydro One began, and I would like explain why I have serious reservations over this sale.
My initial concern is for my constituents; Hydro One customers have been subject to continuing rate increases, delivery charge increases, regulatory fees and the like- many Ontarians have expressed concerns this sale will only further contribute to increased pricing. While this remains unknown there is nothing included in the sale that will result in less cost for consumers.  Further, Hydro One has an abysmal record of customer service, and the sale of the utility will remove independent and legislative oversight of their operations and service. Ontario Ombudsman oversight has already been removed; once the sale is complete, the Auditor General, the Integrity Commissioner, the Financial Accountability Officer and other bodies of oversight will also be removed once the sale is completed.
Earlier this year I compiled an accurate comparison of all in electricity costs across the country you can view or share it here

Another concern I have is for the sale’s undertaking; the Province of Ontario, which is already in debt and running deficit budgets, will borrow $87 million on the taxpayers’ backs in order to provide the Power Workers Union with interest free loans so they can purchase shares in the utility- this just doesn’t make sense.
A further concern is mismanagement; the former CEO made about $750,000 per year to manage the utility; the new CEO will be paid $4 million, more than the combined salaries of 6 electricity executives in four other provinces, while the former CEO remains on as an advisor, collecting his full salary. Last week I questioned the Minister on the many lawsuits and OPP investigations, and you can view the video here
Finally, but not least, Hydro One will remain a monopoly, however privately owned instead of publicly owned, with the new owners retaining exclusive ownership of our transmission grid; in my opinion there is no merit or need for this, and find it completely unacceptable. There may be value in looking at private sector options to improve the retail and customer service/billing components of Hydro One, however taken in its entirety, this sale will see Ontario taxpayers losing a significant asset and substantial revenues, all while continuing to carry the debt. It is a lose/lose situation for every taxpayer in Ontario.
Until recently, Ontario law required that the proceeds of any sale of Hydro One must be used to pay down the debt of Hydro One; the Wynne Liberals have changed that law, arguing they need the money to build infrastructure and improve health care in Ontario. The facts demonstrate otherwise; had they concern for either health care or infrastructure, they would not have burned through $1.1 billion moving two gas plants; lost $1.1 billion exporting power to other jurisdictions (this year alone); spent $1.9 billion on a Time of Use metering system that doesn’t work properly in an alarming number of cases; and $83 million lost due to billing errors due to mismanagement. That’s billions of dollars wasted that should have been used to properly manage the services the Government of Ontario is obligated to provide.
You can sign a petition to the Ontario government opposing the Hydro One sale here
I recommend to everyone that they share their displeasure with the sale of Hydro One directly with the Premier, the Minister of Energy and the IESO. They can be reached by email or called at the following:
Hon. Kathleen Wynne
Phone: 416-325-1941   Fax: 416-325-9895   Email:
Hon. Kathleen Wynne
Premier of Ontario
Legislative Bldg
Rm 281
Queen's Park, Toronto ON M7A1A1
Hon. Bob Chiarelli
Phone: 416-327-6758   Fax: 416-327-6754   Email:
Hon. Bob Chiarelli
Minister of Energy
Hearst Block
900 Bay St, 4th Floor
Toronto ON M7A2E1
IESO Customer Relations
Telephone: 905.403.6900
Toll-Free: 1.888.448.7777

Once again, I thank you for taking the time to express your opposition to the sale of Hydro One Networks. While I continue to oppose this sale in the Legislature, it is also important that you voice your displeasure directly with the Premier and the Minister of Energy.
Randy Hillier
P.S. Feel free to copy me at on your correspondence to these officials, and share with me any response you may receive.

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